About Me

Laguna Niguel, CA, United States
I’m young, unpredictable, driven, passionate, and stronger than you think. I’m intrigued by challenges. I dream big. I am sweet but not weak. I am free spirited and an eternal optimist. I believe in helping humanity, finding peace, and in unconditional love. The world would be a better place if we all just loved more and had a sense of understanding. I think people judge too quickly. I also believe we should take responsibility for our decisions, and learn to love ourselves. I value honesty and kindness. I also value concepts such as social responsibility, social justice, and social action highly and believe that we must all live in a way that contributes to the overall wellness of our society. I enjoy discovering new things about life and how the universe functions. I love interesting conversation, analysing life, and understanding the meaning of the things we do. I believe that there is a open dialogue to be had about every topic imaginable. I'm currently attending Saddleback College and majoring in Sociology. My future plans include moving to England in December 2011 to continue my education further.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Social Change Agents

What is a social change agent?
A change agent is an event, organization, material thing or, more usually, a person that acts as a catalyst for change.

Do  you want to be a change agent?

This post will discuss what qualities you must have in order to make an impact and to be a social change agent.

  1. In order to be a successful sustainability change agent, an individual must have the following: 
  2.                   Knowledge of the environmental, economic, and social issues related to sustainability (understanding);
  3.                   A value system and self-concept to support the actions of a change agent (motivation); and change agent abilities (skills).
 Change agents are...

  • Resilient
  • Optimistic
  • Tenacious
  • Committed
  •  Passionate
  • Patient
  • Emotionally intelligent
  •  Assertive
  • Persuasive
  • Empathetic
  •   Authentic
  •  Ethical
  • Self-Aware
  •  Competent
  • Curious
       They can...
  • Communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and precisely both orally and in writing
  • Listen to others and incorporate their ideas and perspectives
  • Accommodate individual differences (cultural, socioeconomic, global, etc.) in your decisions and actions and be able to negotiate across these differences.
  • Engage in self-assessment, self-reflection, and analysis
  • Reflect on what is happening to make meaning, gain perspective and understanding
  • Engage in civil discourse and debate
  • Mediate and resolve conflicts
  • Analyze power, structures of inequality, and social systems that govern individual and communal life
  • Recognize the global implications of their actions
  • Span boundaries
  • Challenge the status quo effectively when appropriate
  • Creatively and collaboratively solve problems using critical thinking skills; search for solutions for complex multi-faceted issues
  • Collaborate, network, develop alliances and coalitions, build teams
  • Involve others, inspire and excite participants, engender support and commitment
  • See the big picture and the larger goal and understand the need for systemic change
  • Adjust to the diverse and changing needs of both individuals and society as a whole
  • Set realistic and clearly defined goals and objectives
  • Be both a leader and a follower, as necessary
  • Analyze and influence group dynamics
  • Make ethical decisions which incorporate responsibility to self, community, and society
  • Help envision, articulate and create positive scenarios for the future of society
  • See the paths, small steps, for changes needed for a more sustainable future, convert it into a task list and timeline, and follow through effectively
  • Tolerate ambiguity and cope effectively with change

They have...
  • Insights into the functioning and interconnectedness of systems
  • A commitment to finding solutions to societal problems
  • Political efficacy, a belief that what they think and do civically and politically matters
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • An understanding of “organic” change

Astin, A. W., & Astin, H. S. (2000). Leadership reconsidered: Engaging higher education in social change. Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Recklies, D. What Makes a Good Change Agent?   Retrieved December 19, 2006, from http://www.themanager.org/Strategy/change_agent.htm

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