About Me

Laguna Niguel, CA, United States
I’m young, unpredictable, driven, passionate, and stronger than you think. I’m intrigued by challenges. I dream big. I am sweet but not weak. I am free spirited and an eternal optimist. I believe in helping humanity, finding peace, and in unconditional love. The world would be a better place if we all just loved more and had a sense of understanding. I think people judge too quickly. I also believe we should take responsibility for our decisions, and learn to love ourselves. I value honesty and kindness. I also value concepts such as social responsibility, social justice, and social action highly and believe that we must all live in a way that contributes to the overall wellness of our society. I enjoy discovering new things about life and how the universe functions. I love interesting conversation, analysing life, and understanding the meaning of the things we do. I believe that there is a open dialogue to be had about every topic imaginable. I'm currently attending Saddleback College and majoring in Sociology. My future plans include moving to England in December 2011 to continue my education further.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Ideas are born everyday–big ideas, little ideas, ideas born from one person and ideas born through thought and application. What makes one idea stand out from another and what makes the idea stick, gain traction and create a movement? Here are six words to help make ideas scale:
1. Fire: Someone recently offered me some good advice. The said the key to “success” was to always know your end goal. The more you fuel this goal, the more you’ll believe in it and the more you’ll believe in yourself. For me, it’s not just a case of knowing my end goal, but knowing why that’s my end goal. To me, the why over rides the what and is what will drive success. We all have goals–but why do you have them? That is the tougher question, and that is what will get you through the droughts.
2. Simplify: Life is complicated enough–people don’t need more complication. Identify ideas that simplify tasks (without the use of a 30-slide power point to explain it). Identify ideas that are focused.
3. Stop: We’ve heard of growing pains. There will come times that you may need to stop. This could mean that you need to simplify the juggling act. Or, it may mean that you stop a product line or stop the way you do something and find a new way. It could mean that you need to stop starting new ideas–and re-focus back on the original idea. As, if we keep starting new ideas all the time–then we aren’t committing to what our end goal is and are spreading the fire too thin.
4. Execution: My mom always told me, “Don’t try. Do.” Take two seconds and reflect on what you’ve been doing and what you want to be doing. Do you see how much “trying” sneaks up on us? Those that make ideas become realizations, just do it. There might be success and there may be failure. But they did it. They learned, and they keep on doing.
5. Build: There are an infinite number of ideas right? Well, there are perhaps just as many people coming up with those ideas. You see–lots of people are “ideas people.” Everyone seems to have the next big idea or the next big thing. Being an “ideas person” doesn’t mean you will be successful. If anything, this means you need to connect with more builders. Builders are people that have vision while also being able to plan and make it happen. Builders are the people that fill in the gaps, aren’t afraid of getting messy, and are resourceful.
6. Contagious: Be contagious–in your thinking, speaking, doing and giving. It’s important to note that being contagious happens naturally–it’s not forced. You and your idea can also be contagious without you knowing it–at any time of the day. So be on the lookout for opportunity, for fellow builders, and fuel for the fire, you never know what might happen.

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